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Image by Josh Eckstein


A baptism is one of the sacred and joyful moments of a person’s life and to the wider congregation.  As our Book of Order states, which is part of our constitution in the PCUSA, “Baptism is the sign and symbol of inclusion in God’s grace and covenant with the Church.” (W-2.3004)  Baptism is also a “seal” of inclusion into the body of Christ, for “in Baptism, we participate in Jesus’ death and resurrection… we die to what separates us from God and are raised to newness of life in Christ.”(W-2.3002)  So in our Baptism, we are given new life in Christ, and adopted into God’s family and into this specific church family as well!

In our church, Baptism can happen either as an infant/child or when one is old enough to make the decision themselves.  In the first case, it is the parents or guardians who are making the decision for them, recognizing that God has chosen to love that child and call that child before they could do anything to deserve it.  In the second case the decision is made by the believer out of a desire to commit themselves to the Lord and belong to our specific church to be nurtured and fed here, and to use their gifts here in ministry.  In both cases, the grace of God and commitment to the Church (and commitments by the Church) are affirmed for those being baptized.


Anyone interested in getting baptized, having their child be baptized, or having a conversation about baptism, is welcome to contact the church to set up a time to meet and talk more about this:  

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Centre Presbyterian Church | 3912 Freeman Hollow Rd | Loysville, PA 17047 | 717-789-4571

Operation Hours: Tuesday - Thursday: 8:30 am-2:30 pm

Sunday School: 9:30 am 

Sunday Worship: 10:30 am

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