Through our mission efforts we strive to support, connect, and serve alongside our mission partners and in areas of need.
Our mission work is guided by the mission committee, which leads the congregation in seeking to fulfill its commitment to serve the Lord through participation in and/or financial support of mission work conducted locally, nationally, or globally. It also Identifies areas of need and determines appropriate responses to their identified needs. The committee works to educate the congregation about these needs and about the chosen mission partners, and encourages and challenges increased support and participation of individuals and the congregation in mission activities.
God calls all of us to put our faith into action, and our mission work is just one of the ways we strive to do so. All are welcome to join us!

We plan outreach events, encourage our church’s hospitality to newcomers, and spread the word to the community about our God, our church, and our faith.
The Outreach Committee oversees the work of our church to share God’s love with the wider community. We plan outreach events, encourage our church’s hospitality to newcomers, and spread the word to the community about our God, our church, and our faith. We do this out of a deep desire to share God’s love with those who haven’t heard or experienced it themselves.
Our church welcomes all kinds of people who seek Jesus’ love while celebrating His Grace with all the generations gathered in worship.
We have planned a number of different kinds of events in the past to encourage new people from the area to come to our church and get a taste of God’s love from our Church. Here is a sampling of what we have done:
Fall Festival- games, crafts, food, music, pie eating contest, cook/bake off!
Themed Community Breakfasts - a time of fellowship, celebration, devotion and prayer
Movie Nights- movie, popcorn, smores, outdoor games!
Game Nights- bring your favorite game to share!
Centre’s Noah’s Ark Experience - an all day children and family experiential learning about the story of Noah’s Ark and God’s provision for us, which included a trip to Lake Tobias
We always have new events we are working on. For more information, please check out our calendar page or upcoming events page to learn more.