Funerals at Centre

The Church is a community of hope, and there is seldom a time more appropriate to express this hope together than in a funeral or memorial service. Our funeral services strive to both remember and honor the loved one who has died, but also bring comfort through bearing witness to the hope we have through the steadfast love of God.
To have a funeral or memorial service here, there need not be any direct connection to the church itself. Please know though that it will always be a Christian funeral service, where the hope we have in Christ will be shared to comfort those who are grieving.
If you would like to plan a funeral or memorial service here, please contact the church: 717-789-4571 or You are also welcome to just ask for a pastoral care visit to get support in your grief.
Please know as you are starting to make your plans that there are fees involved with using our space. When you contact the church we will share with you our “Funeral and Memorial Service Policy” form. Below is a brief discription of our fees.
Cost planning for funerals:
Member: Non-Member
Minister: Honorarium Honorarium
Musician: $75.00 $75.00
Sanctuary: $50.00 $50.00
Sigler Hall: $50.00 $50.00
Bulletin Fee: $65.00 $65.00
Sound Technician: $25.00 $25.00
Video Technician (optional): $25.00 $25.00
Use of the Church: Donation Donation
Use of Sigler Hall: Donation $50.00